To Live is Christ – Week 9 March 10, 2019 Greg Davis Christ, Jesus 2 Corinthians, Acts, Genesis, Hebrews, Philippians, Revelation
To Live is Christ – Week 8 February 24, 2019 Greg Davis Christ, Jesus 1 John, Colossians, John, Philippians
Life in His Name: The Gospel of John – Week 40 November 11, 2018 Greg Davis Jesus, Suffering 1 Corinthians, 1 John, Acts, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, John
8 Characteristics of a Disciple – Chris Hagar September 16, 2018 Chris Hagar Discipleship, Jesus Matthew
Life in His Name: The Gospel of John – Week 35 September 9, 2018 Greg Davis Gospel, Jesus, Prayer 1 John, John, Luke, Mark, Philippians, Romans John 17:1-12