Beware False Prophets April 11, 2021 Greg Davis Christ, Christianity, Faith, Glory, Gospel, Jesus 1 Peter, 2 Corinthians, Acts, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Matthew
Justified by Faith – Romans April 4, 2021 Greg Davis Christ, Christianity, Faith, Jesus 1 Peter, Romans
The Lord’s Supper March 7, 2021 Greg Davis Christ, Christianity, Church Membership, Communion, Faith, Jesus, Love
Justified by Faith February 28, 2021 Greg Davis Christ, Christianity, Church Membership, Faith, Gospel, Jesus, Salvation 1 Timothy, Galatians, Hebrews, John, Jude, Mark, Philippians, Romans
Justified by Faith February 21, 2021 Greg Davis Christ, Christianity, Faith, Jesus, Sanctification, Scripture Ephesians, Philippians, Romans
Romans: Justified by Faith February 7, 2021 Greg Davis Christ, Christianity, Church Membership, Discipleship, Faith, Gospel, Jesus Galatians, Psalms, Romans
The Church January 17, 2021 Greg Davis Christ, Christianity, Church Membership, Faith, Jesus 2 Chronicles, Acts, Jeremiah, Luke, Mark, Romans
The Church January 10, 2021 Greg Davis Christianity, Church Membership, Family, Gospel, Jesus, Worship 1 Peter, 1 Timothy, Jeremiah, John, Mark, Philippians
Guest Speaker – Chris Hagar January 3, 2021 Chris Hagar Christianity, Evangelism, Faith, Glory, Jesus John
The Church December 6, 2020 Greg Davis Christ, Christianity, Church Membership, Discipleship, Evangelism, Jesus 1 Corinthians, 1 Thessalonians, Hebrews